Timely communication within Rotary is important in order for us to be an effective club and also to minimise time-waste. For this reason the following are available to you:
District 9920 Directory for 2017-18: portal.clubrunner.ca/13060/Documents/en-us/49257713-0637-400d-a1fa-d878094dc34d/1/ President Peter has a small number of hard-copies available on request.
Club Member Individual Contacts: 1) Go to 'Rotarians Area' and select Member Directory, 2) Login to Clubrunner, 3) go to desired member
Club member Directory: 1) Login to Clubrunner, 2) Go to Member area, 3) Go to Reports then eDirectory Reports 2, then scroll down to Standing Reports and Generate what you need - this will email you a copy that you can file to your computer Desktop for easy access.
District Directories for other New Zealand-based Districts: 1) Go to 'Contacts/Find Clubs' tab, 2) Login to www.rotaryoceania.zone (use club login), 3) Scroll down to District Directories 2017-2018 and select choice for download.
Broadcast communication to club members: There is a facility that enables sending emails to select / all members for club activities and which retains a record on the system for future reference.
REMINDER: Rotary lists are for your personal use and for Rotary business only. Please do not circulate to others.
If you need help to use Clubrunner please contact Colin Robinson