The 'gold coin donation' gift wrapping service will be available to the public from 4 - 24 December 2017.
Supervising and supporting our Interacter's will be fun and gives our Club the ultimate chance to mix with the community at its most generous! This fundraiser is not just for club members. Family and friends are most welcome to donate a short period of 'supervisor' time; as can casual volunteers from the community itself. Please look out for the Rosters which feature multiple time slots and dates to choose from.
Glendowie College Interactor's are filling the majority of the rostered shifts - 501 of them!!! Our club has only 82 shifts to cover. These wonderful students have so far managed to cover 80% of their allotted shifts, so let's make sure St John's Rotary matches their efforts. Please sign up to assist them and don't hesitate to invite family and friends to sign-up with you.
The gift wrapping booths will open on 4 December, with two booths in operation. From 14 December, there will be three booths and from 16-24 December, there will be four booths. The booths will be located outside Cotton On (Booth #1), Country Road (Booth #2), EB Games (Booth #3) and Lush Cosmetics (Booth #4).
What do we need to do:
• Glendowie College Interactor's (students) will be doing the wrapping
• Wrapping paper, ribbons and all necessary stationery will be supplied by Sylvia Park management
• Gold coin donation 'locked boxes' will be located at each booth and will be collected by Sylvia Park management
• St John's Rotary Club members (and/or helpers) and Interact students do not need to handle any cash during shifts
• St John's Rotary Club members (in supervisor capacity) are expected to make sure Interactors/students are relieved for breaks; assisted with difficult gifts; and assisted with difficult customers (where necessary)
There are 82 shifts which we need St John's Rotary Club members to cover. If every club member takes one shift, we should be able to make this fundraiser a big success and enjoy some Christmas fun and festivity along the way. Remember, supervision is not restricted to club members, but also open to families and friends.
Ainie is Chief Roster Elf, and will make Roster's available at every Club meeting. Please make sure you sign up for one or more shifts. If you are not able to get to a club meeting to do so, please email Elf Ainie to advise preferred shift/time and she will ensure your name is added to the Roster. Elf Ainie can also assist with any query you have regarding this great fundraiser:
Email: ainiekwok@gmail.com